Its called debt! However, it is smart managed debt. Meaning that the remaining debt i do have, used to establish my system of today, is financed at "zero" percent. It is gradually paid off, usually no more than 24-36 months. Also, some things are sold either on here or on ebay to finance a new purchase, if say that something just was not doing it for me. The only thing left to pay off is my latest turntable acquisition ....I’ll most likely use part of the stimulus check to wipe that out. In the end I’m left with Tannoy legacy eatons $5500 (not counting stands or material to fill them), sugden a21 se $3250, a Marantz pm14s1, six turntables, four tuners, three cd players and a transport, two dacs, two extra pairs of speakers (wharefdales), three cassettes decks, two headphone amps, ten pairs of headphones, countless interconnects and power chords, ten cartridges...on and on and on...and all mine, all paid for!!...except the aforementioned turntable. You ask how is most of this debt paid off? Through lots and lots of hard work and OT. Was it all worth it? Hell yeah! I do not regret anything. Yes, got a mortgage, car payment, kids, utilities, CC debt, etc etc....however, its all getting paid and I still save money in bank. I will tell you that we as a family do not spend a fortune on trips or eat in the fanciest restaurants.