Are Wilsons the best? are they worth the money? Looking at used watt puppy 8 or Sophia 3. 
I heard some older WPs years ago not sure the model. I thought that older Focal tweeter was not great. I’m sure the new ones with soft dome sound much better but are also magnitudes higher in cost. 
Stereo unlimited in San Diego has some Vandersteen Quatro's coming in on trade for the model 7's hmmmmm.........
I have Wilson Sasha 1.  They are excellent; accurate, natural, coherent from top to bottom. Positioning and powerful amp needed.  I prefer Wilson’s to Sonus Faber , Vivid Audio , B & W , DeVore, Van der Steen , Kef , Monitor Audio , MBL , Focal , and Harbeth.  The above have their strengths but i prefer Wilson’s. 
Have listened to Wilsons, including most recently the Chronosonic model and never found the magic. With the $680k model I felt like I was hearing 5 different speakers at once. Is that coherence? This dealer powers them with MSB Mono blocks at $160k/pair in a large theatre room. 
On the other hand many reviewers own Wilsons and logic dictates they hear pretty well and have even more choices. Does Wilson offer 1/2 price deals to reviewers or something? 

A friend of mine who is a musician and retailer sells both Wilson and Sonus Faber. He owns Sonus Faber Amatis.

Everybody hears differently.  My ears are old, worn and limited
so I have no idea what the 10k-20K sound is about.

If you can't wait 3 months for a product you may not be very sold
on it. 

Good luck my friend!