Anybody use a stereo amp with their ht? And ..

Noticed that ht sound quality is diminished when having main speaker cables routed thru the stereo amp via ht bypass setup?

I say this cause I hooked up a stereo preamp and noticed that ht sounds are diminished after signal flows thru the stereo preamp.  Anybody see this too?  Stereo did sound a lot better since it no longer was connected to the avr.  Guess you can’t get ht and hifi great sq when linking ht and hifi systems together.  
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I run an Ayre KX-5 Twenty with an Anthem AVM60 processor via HT bypass.  Absolutely no loss in fidelity on either side (HT or stereo).  The only thing damping my stereo listening is that 65" flat screen in the middle of the room.  But nothing is perfect...
For stereo, balanced analog from an Ayre QX-5 Twenty (Roon endpoint) or DX-5 DSD (disc player) goes directly to the KX-5 Twenty preamp and VX-5 Twenty amp.

For surround and HT, HDMI audio from the DX-5 DSD goes to a Bryston SP3 processor; analog front LR from the SP3 goes to a by-pass input of the KX-5; analog surround goes to a pair of NAD DC amps.

HDMI video goes from the DX-5 DSD to a Sony projector.
I have a Krell Showcase surround processor and a Luxman CL38U SE tube preamp. I use the RCA connections in my Bryston amp for my Luxman and the balanced connections in my Krell. I just use the switch on the amp to power either setup. No HT passthrough.