Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.

Why?  Because acoustical treatments presented are in virtually empty rooms. Unrealistic.

my rooms have furniture and clutter.  These rooms don’t really have a need for treatment.  It’s snake oil, voodoo science.  
So why is accoustical panels gonna help?  No one can answer this, most have no clue.
Post removed 

But i know already that myself.... All my life i tried to learn a bit more out of my window...

You are right but not the way intended... Some idiot are more reformable and recoverable it seems...

By the way read the best book on stupidity by Carlo Cipolla free on the net.... a masterpiece...

He define stupidity being someone who bash others without gaining anything for himself in the process even at the price of losing his own credibility ...Except the pleasure to do it.....

Who knows perhaps i suffer the Kruger-Dunning syndrome like you observe perhaps even rightfully ? But i prefer to be an idiot than being stupid in the Cipolla sense... I dont like despising group of people and any people...

Then the difference between being an idiot and being stupid is the idiot dont bash others, the stupid did it all the times.... I definitely prefer to be a reformable idiot....Even with this Dunner-Kruger syndrome....


Creativity is a great thing to have. It becomes trickier when we get carried away by our creativity and do not notice that we have gone too far into some not-so-healthy state of mind. Others usually notice, though.

Figuring where the line between two is may sometimes be harder than pretending.
"He define stupidity bash others without gaining anything for himself in the process even at the price of losing his own credibility ...Except the pleasure to do it....."

I have not read that book, but assuming that above description is correct, Carlo lost all the credibility. One could even say that he lost credibility by bashing those who are seeking pleasure.

"Without gaining anything for himself...except the pleasure to do it..." Carlo arrogantly decided that one’s pleasure is worthless "nothing". He has never heard of hobbies, passion, love, dedication, or a few more like that?
Glupson you are beside the point....

The pleasure to bash others is not worth anything at all indeed...

The book of Cipolla you never read is universally reviewed for being humorous and right on the spot... Then you could criticize my use of the book but the book itself is very good and free...

Here i proposed ideas of my own and i am open to discuss without bashing others nor any group of people.... That was my point...I correct myself when i am wrong....I am not perfect ....

I am open to criticism...About any concept....I am here to communicate and learn...
Creativity is not a defect by the way, even when wrong...To date all my experiments give me pleasure and also to some others who repeat them successfully... If someone is not interested by my ideas it is not necessary for him  to read my posts...

But if someone out of the sky come and trash all others audiophiles ideas, devices, or suggestions, from the start because of his superior knowledge i dont go with that without discussing with ARGUMENTS, if you had read me you already know that...... Bashing audiophiles for being audiophile that seems not too healthy to me...

Perhaps my enthusiasm innerve you then i am sorry....Dont read my posts....And dont add that all "pleasure" are equal.... It is ridiculous and wrong....All pleasures are not right nor equal to each others...I defend myself but i dont take any pleasure to bash anybody, but i am able to defend myself if someone attack me without any sound arguments...Blind test is not an argument nor a reason to reject from the start any unorthodox means to play with sound...And not a reason to accuse all audiophiles to be stupid.... Then i reacted with arguments and experiments to prove my point....

 Is it not enough? you said it is too much.... but for whom? 

If i cannot be of interest for others here i will quit...It seems some others like my contribution.....Then i go on...