Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.

Why?  Because acoustical treatments presented are in virtually empty rooms. Unrealistic.

my rooms have furniture and clutter.  These rooms don’t really have a need for treatment.  It’s snake oil, voodoo science.  
So why is accoustical panels gonna help?  No one can answer this, most have no clue.
But no, i read a paper once, now my knowledge is superior to everyone else.
You only know how to bash and attack...

NEVER here i mention myself being superior, on the contrary i discuss with all friends here about many simple devices to help each other S.Q. improving method...

The ONLY ONE here bashing all audiophiles and being sperior is yourself...

You bash, a real pro musician explaining TIMBRE, another engineer discussing with you about imaging and drivers, all turntables lovers, and anyone who dare to try a "tweaks" or any device out of your narrow perspective window...

I created my last device trying to understand something you NEVER explain here, the " depth imaging" creation in audio, i read some article trying to improve my IGNORANCE, and that inspired me a new device, which i use at the time where i typed these words on my computer....

Call that the name you want, i never pretend to be knowleadgeable like you to all here all the time, i am creative tough, know how to read when someone has nothing for arguments, except all the logical fallacies in his bag like strawman argument and appeal to authority and all fallacies in between .... I could deconstruct all your posts if it was not for a waste of time....

You never read the article suggested by me to you, and you have never figure out how work my "mechanical Helmholtz equalizer"...Anyway i dont think that you even know that you dont understrand epistemology, and real acoustic out of the recording engineering window... Sorry.... I am ignorant too but i proved for myself that i tried to learn, my device is my exam....I dont need your superior knowledge, it is not useful to improve my S.Q. ....

 I erased my question.....

I will retype it now for the reader sake...

Is it me the idiot?


Post removed 

But i know already that myself.... All my life i tried to learn a bit more out of my window...

You are right but not the way intended... Some idiot are more reformable and recoverable it seems...

By the way read the best book on stupidity by Carlo Cipolla free on the net.... a masterpiece...

He define stupidity being someone who bash others without gaining anything for himself in the process even at the price of losing his own credibility ...Except the pleasure to do it.....

Who knows perhaps i suffer the Kruger-Dunning syndrome like you observe perhaps even rightfully ? But i prefer to be an idiot than being stupid in the Cipolla sense... I dont like despising group of people and any people...

Then the difference between being an idiot and being stupid is the idiot dont bash others, the stupid did it all the times.... I definitely prefer to be a reformable idiot....Even with this Dunner-Kruger syndrome....


Creativity is a great thing to have. It becomes trickier when we get carried away by our creativity and do not notice that we have gone too far into some not-so-healthy state of mind. Others usually notice, though.

Figuring where the line between two is may sometimes be harder than pretending.
"He define stupidity bash others without gaining anything for himself in the process even at the price of losing his own credibility ...Except the pleasure to do it....."

I have not read that book, but assuming that above description is correct, Carlo lost all the credibility. One could even say that he lost credibility by bashing those who are seeking pleasure.

"Without gaining anything for himself...except the pleasure to do it..." Carlo arrogantly decided that one’s pleasure is worthless "nothing". He has never heard of hobbies, passion, love, dedication, or a few more like that?