Are Wilsons the best? are they worth the money? Looking at used watt puppy 8 or Sophia 3. 
The Wilson Maxx speakers blow the Sophia and Watt Puppy 8’s away. A completely different league.
there were a pair of Maxx 2 in California for sale asking price 13 grand. I thought about them, then realized I live in a 1200 square ft hi rise in Las Vegas and cannot accommodate speakers of that size. I'm looking for sophia or watt puppy sized speakers that pack a punch. I do not like laid back sound. I want a lively bright loudspeaker.  
1200 sq ft apartment? Exactly how big is the room you plan to put these speakers in?
I used a 1000sq ft. Apartment in NOLA a few years ago and they sound amazing. Believe it or not, your footprint is almost the same. The Maxx speakers can angle perfectly to the seating position you want VS the others don’t do as well. Why hear some of the visit when you can hear it all. You will always chase around speakers until you realize what you are missing. Also by no means the Wilson Maxx are layback sound by the way. There bass will knock you off of your feet. I’m happy to give you a demonstration if you like. I’m in the LA Area 
My listening room is 14.5 by 17 leading into a kitchen and dining area which would make it 14.5 by 27. 9 ft ceilings. its a good size room. I prefer MAXX 2's. MAXX 1 is too old.