Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
I would be tempted to try these things if I could hear of any positive blind tests, which should be quite easy to perform.

If it's so easy, and you want it so bad, do it yourself. Those of us who can hear, why should we spend three seconds proving anything to you?  

The truly hilarious thing is we have right now a thread about a guy who is totally stone deaf, and he hears better with his balloon than you with your "ears"!

Post removed 
I appreciate your sincere honesty @mahgister.

MC - I don't want to go through the hassle of ordering, arranging them, testing them and then probably having to pack them back up, go to a shipping place and return them.

If I can get ONE or TWO people to tell me they have heard a difference when having someone else turn them on or off randomly or turn some of them off while blindfolded I'd probably try them.

As magister says, my room has not been treated acoustically, so they probably would not work. MC-when I saw your room pictured, I didn't see much in acoustic treatments which makes me suspect you are being victimized by confirmation bias, but I understand you are too scared of the results to do a 3 second test.   

I'll give it another day or so, then leave this epic discussion about a medical potential solution.
I appreciate your sincere honesty @mahgister.
Thanks for your kind words...

One simple precision to be understood clearly...

I recommend FIRST if possible some passive treatment of the room and active one like with Helhmotz pipes before ANYTHING else...

But i know that Schumann Generators work, even if not, for all specific gear coupled to all specfic ears and coupled to all specific acoustical possible settings tough, then, if your audio system is in the living room and not in a kind of laboratory dedicated audio room like mine and you cannot introduce there many acoustic treatments THEN it is possible even probable , but not for all people like i just said for evident reasons, to gain an improvement at peanuts cost, then try 2 S.G. for 20 bucks...This is the most cheap possible experiment with a positive return probability... If it does not give an improvement, call that a fun experiment... This is my point....

I dont and never has promoted in audio thread any expansive upgrades or "tweaks"...I dont need them at all myself, not because they are all"snake oil",not at all, some are more than good, and will give better S.Q. than my devices.... BUT i enjoy an already very good level of S.Q. with my homemade devices... Thats enough for me and for a 500 bucks system...Simple...

The other reason i never used anything sold like "tweaks" is my thread audio journey where i speak ONLY about low cost homemade creations or discoveries of mine...I want to speak proudly of MY peanuts cost devices not of other tweaks even if they are better than mine and more scientifically improved.... Remember that mine give reward for no cost.... The goal of my thread is audiophile experience for the" poors " at peanuts costs.... Not : " who own the best system in the world?" There exist many other threads about that.... i am the only one with the reverse goal : optimizing what is low cost gear only with only no cost devices...... I hope to be understood...

My deepest regards to you....

Okay, here we go......

I left the Schumann Generator on for three days in the sun / stereo room.  As before ~ 7 feet on a window sill, behind the speakers.
I enlisted the wife (who is open minded, but has not voiced an opinion) to help.  Music:  James Taylor and Nora Jones.  I chose these because of the high quality of the recordings, and virgin vinyl 200 gram records.  Also because the music uses only a few high quality played instruments and is low key.  (I believe I have a very nice stereo system, the only addition in the last year being 2 SVS sub woofers, un-ported, with isolation feet.)
Had the wife place the SG on the window sill not knowing if on or off.
Listened to side one of James T.  Then again side one of James T.
I could tell a difference, when it was on/off. But, the only difference was a wider, deeper, sound stage.  The actual music did not sound better to my (old) ears.  Same thing with Nora, better sound stage but not quality of the instruments or voice.  Sample size of two.  Accurate on both tries.  So I had a 50/50 chance of guessing correctly.  Not a large enough statistical sample size for serious discussions.  BTW, no booze or other substances used during the listening sessions. 

Something interesting to add.  Our cat Mina, on occasion, likes to listen to the stereo.  She decided to jump up on the love seat where I was located and took a seat right next to me.  She has never done that in the years we have had her. (she usually sits on the floor in the sweet spot)  We have been using the other SG unit in the bedroom every night, under the mattress.  No better quality or sounder sleep by either person reported.  The cat did not go under the bed to check out the SG to our knowledge.
(She actually sleeps between our heads every night)

Then another anomaly:  Friday night we watched a new episode of Ancient Aliens.  The show focused on how sound and low frequencies, btw 4-7 Hz, effect the brain waves in humans.  Then they showed some 4-6K year old stone carvings found in various places.  In several carvings was shown the Schumann Generator Coil, a spiral circle created by a single line.  My 2 units have the Coil exposed under a clear plastic plate.  It was the same coil as shown on the stone carvings.  Eerie.  I don't know what to make of that visual observation. 

I have a audiophile friend coming for a visit near the end of the month.  His hearing is significantly better than mine.  I will re-run the same test and report back the be continued.