I watched the WHOLE thing.. He needs some allergy medication for the FUE. Fuc$ed Up Eyes. Dude was stoned AS he flipped the cover down on his nice little vinyl rig, and spewed away.. When you show you have no sense, it shows up in the video. Complete jump on the fence and balancing with one leg.. I summed up the whole video for me.. BELOW

Vinyl is different in a lot of ways, just like RtR, or SDAC, or Live or La-Te-Da..

How's that? I didn't need to make a video about how RED my eyes were.
Cheech and Chong would have been my preference for that.. :-)

Dude the record keeps making that noise at the end, pop, pop, pop. That's been going on for two days, DUDE you gotta' turn the record over.. Puff Puff Pass.. Puff Puff Pass!

OH leave the lid up ay, suppose to sound better. OH the POP?.
No dude, the next record... Captain Beefheart!!!

Vinyl is the worst format in all of audio- except for all the others.
Post removed 
He didn't say it but it cracks me up when hipsters talk about how many "vinyls" they own. I wonder if the reason he can't determine the superiority of one format over the other has to do with the level of his equipment?  I also have to wonder how something that never left can make a comeback? Oh well, party on!