Listening to music matters Freddie Hubbard thought my woof was going to blow?

I was listening to Hubtones the other day and on the first track when Freddie started to blow, so did my woofer. Shook the room and was kind of startling to be honest. What causes that kind of distortion? Mic overload?
Lewm has it right. You are probably feeding back at low frequencies. Either your turntable is poorly isolated or you have a cartridge tonearm miss match. You said it happens with all turntable? What turntables, tonearms and cartridges? What is are the turntables on? If you have a cabinet that is vibrating it can pass this on to the turntables
The reissues are not cutting the bass. Many companies EQ the bass. Some companies like Mobile Fidelity in the old days boosted bass to make things more impressive.
"The reissues are not cutting the bass"

it could be the pressing.  Ive had some pressings that do it and some that do not.