I think it is important to think of not just the speaker, but, the combination of speaker and amplifier. If you already have, or have in mind, certain electronics, it would be useful information about compatibility. For example, Magnepan and Soundlabs have been mentioned above, and they are certainly very good brands, but, they may not quite be right if you have low-powered tube amplification.
It would also help to know what you have already heard and liked and disliked and the reasons for these opinions.
As to your specific question about Audio Note speakers, they tend to be unimpressive and undistinguished--AT FIRST BLUSH. But, if you go into the audition without a critical mindset and just listen for enjoyment, I think they will show you what they are about--musicality, relaxed sound, fully saturated harmonics, dense texture, and natural sounding dynamics (realistic attack and decay of notes). I find the upper bass to be a bit excessive and bloated (if I put my critic's hat on), but, that might be part of the charm and I easily ignore this "issue." Although they are only moderately efficient, they are an easy load and work well with low-powered tube amps (my favorite kind), and that is a BIG plus.
Among my personal favorites, at any price, are the speakers from Charney. I've heard their Companion range with the Voxativ driver and with the AER driver (they offer different choices of the single driver). Both sounded terrific to me, although I favored the AER driver (located in Northern New Jersey, no dealerships). This is very efficient system that can be used with SET amps. Other brands that I think are worth looking into are Trenner and Friedl (Austrian, I believe) and SoundKaos (Swiss, I believe).
If you are ever in the Washington DC area, you should check out Deja Vu Audio (Tyson's Corner, a suburb of DC). It is a dealership that also makes its own gear (amplifiers, phono stages, linestages, preamps, DACs and loudspeakers). Most of the custom made speakers utilize vintage drivers. They make speakers in your price range that would be terrific for your choice of music. They also carry Audio Note speakers.
Good luck in your search