Budget Hunter: Spendor S8e vs Totem Hawk

I'm replacing a pair of B&W Matrix 804s with something less fatiguing and (hopefully) more musically involving.

A pair of Spendor S8e ($1200) and a pair of Totem Hawks ($1800) are for sale locally. I like what I've read about both. Before I drive an hour and a half in opposite directions to audition, I hoped I might get some insights from this group about any personal experiences you may have had. Likes and dislikes. My tastes in music runs the gamut but the human voice is the common thread through all of it.

The rest of my system is capable but modest. A Musical Fidelity A300 dual mono Integrated (150/250), MF A3 CD transport, Denafrips Aries II, Rega P2 and a Bluesound Node2i.

Thanks in advance!

FWIW, from my admittedly limited experience, the Harbeth M30.1 (and 30.2) are a clear step forward from the M30.
Nice choices.  The Harbeth's are priced high for that generation, but ike contemporary Spendors, might be exceptional conveyors of the classic BBC / British sounds even more than the 30.1 and 30.2 sets. If intrested, condiser offering something considerably lower than the asking price?  As for the Spendors, I have not looked at the plinths and so forth, but they generally are very highly regarded, and the logo presumably was relocated as a consequence of the re-lamination.  Worth an ask.  

The A-Mart seller purchased a pair of S8e's 6-7 months ago on the same site (check his feedback for details/links).

The purchased pair showed grills and no modifications.

Thanks for following the ongoing saga. I've been in contact with the Spendor owner. He seems like a genuinely honest broker. Here's his response:

"The speakers have new cabinet laminate because they were damaged. I took them to cabinet maker, and they repaired them beautifully. The rectangular bottom, and speaker covers were damaged as well. I didn't replace them. They are very unique looking and sweet sounding. They have screw in flat feet that can be raised and lowered."

I'm now concerned about what kind of damage and if it compromised the cabinet integrity.
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