For a few dollars more

You could take your speakers, hang em high, and feel the sudden impact. Granted you may have to turn your amp every which way but loose, but then you could play misty for me any which way you can and not feel like we had to run the gauntlet. In a perfect world the beguiled listener would be the rookie, and to spend more would be a true crime. In other words, you don't need to spend a million dollar, baby.
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It's not me. I don't mind. But my mule you see, he gets the funny idea you're talking about him. So if you will just apologize, like I know you're going to....
One of my favorite, maybe THE favorite, firearms I own is a Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Magnum six-shot, single-action revolver, with a 7 1/2 inch barrel -- a beast and cannon in your hands.  Absolutely turns heads at the shooting range, folks wondering if a stick of dynamite went off.  Got it for my 14th birthday in my East Tennessee home...back in the days when that wasn't weird. 
Allen, pins or screws on your SBH. The real early Black Hawk (not SBH) were screws the later ones went to pins.. They were always backing out a screw or two.. I have one of earliest ones, all screws.. Decommissioned of course, good for pig in the delta.. I always used 44 special rounds.. Easier to recover from for a second shot and plenty of knock down..
Damn pigs, tear up a field in no time.. Dead pigs are good pigs.
Bacon is a good pig.. 6 weeks they start to go feral. Nasty..
Tear up a dog too. Heavy Pitts and Rotts. I've stitched up a lot of dogs, behind pig hunts.

I'm not a gunner at all anymore.. To many thing have happened, I like peace and music.. No killin' for me.  My wife on the other hand.. LOL Granny Clampett no animals though..

I like Odd Ball in Kelly's Hero's, "That was a paint round", splat on the back of the Tiger Tank.. Ohh Crap..  Poor mechanic always gets the blame..

Hat on the floor, as I slowly walk around to the beat of the music and my faithful K9 close behind.. 

No reference to Clint's late-Cold War classic "Firefox."


Can't speak Russian, Da! German a little.. Then don't we all.. :-)

Voice command, now it's as common as peas and carrots.