Help me complete my stereo system (Harbeth, ClearAudio Concept).

Hello Everyone,

I would like your help in completing my new 2 channel audio system.  My room is approximately (11ft X 14ft X 9ft ceiling) or about 42 square meters.  

I value good vinyl playback over streaming and CDs and listen mostly to small group jazz.  

I want to stay within a reasonable budget, so I'm focused on entry level components from high quality companies.  To give you an indication, I own a ClearAudio Concept with the Satisfy arm and MM cartridge.  

As far as speakers are concerned, it will be either the Harbeth P3ESR or Compact 7s.  I have auditioned both with expensive Accuphase amps and was blown away by the P3ESR, especially their natural, open sound and ability to fill a decent size room.  C7s struck me as less dynamic ... but let me know if those would be preferable considering my space and listening tastes.  

I am fairly certain that I will be favouring Solid State to drive the little Harbeth, and car analogy, realistically a well-tuned 4 cylinder turbo rather than a V8 with power to spare.  I plan to add a DAC for streaming and radio, more as a convenience than anything else (serious listening is always vinyl).  An onboard phono is preferred but not a deal breaker.  Speakers and stands to be considered separately.

Thanking everyone for their help and comments. 

This amp speaker pairing business will take a bit of time to sort out, so the P3s will be mated to my Creek Evo 50A for the time being.  My goal is to get off the merry go round without hopping on ! Therefore, I'll be looking for an amp that gives justice to the P3s for many many years to come.  I get the feeling this will be in the $ 3,5K plus category.   
For tube amps, I recommend looking into integrated amps from Synthesis (Italian).  They make integrated amps with very good DACs and phono stages built into the amp.  I have heard the P3 with their Roma 96 integrated (25 wpc) and this is a very nice combination.  The larger, and more expensive, integrated amps, such as the A40 and A100 should be even better with the P3's.

If you contact Vu, at Deja Vu Audio, he can offer some advice on appropriate tube amps.  He sells Synthesis and Conrad Johnson.
The Harbeths sound great with tube gear. I use tube gear with my P3s. This Rogue Cronus Magnum integrated has all the features that you need. My friend uses Rogue tube gear with his P3s. BTW, you will need a separate phono preamp with the Conrad-Johnson!
Thanks for all the recommendations, they are all going on the list for further consideration.  An all in one solution for the phono stage and headphones is very appealing.

Curious about Unison Research as well.  

Lots of options that need direct experience with, which Covid conditions prevents somewhat for now. Using the time to read up  on components.  

Was reading Darko's review of the P3ESR SE. He should have listened with his ears instead of his eyes and with another product than Heed Class D...