members and their systems

for the short time I have been on here, I see that members will start a thread asking about a certain piece of equipment or speakers..       they will then buy that piece of equipment / speakers, start a thread about it saying how good it is and then next thing you know, they are starting another thread asking about another piece of gear as they are looking for something different.           what happened to that piece of gear that was so great ?       
  i get the whole buying thing....but where are members getting the money to do all of this stuff ?       do they not have other bills such as rent / mortgage payment, car payment, other bills to pay for also ?
My senseless humour helps me.....tolerate....this....planet.....*fists clenched*gritted teeth*eeerrrrRRRR*

Hearing from the PD in Atlanta that the idiot that shot those folks 'was having a bad day' made spouse and self pause...

"NO, BS!  The ones' he shot had the bad day, not to mention anyone that was there to see it go down!  Jez....  'I'm depressed, so I think I'll go out and off some women....'  "

Why not just suck the barrel and let it go, slick?  Save us from yourself....;(

Live it or live with it....damn....*fume*
Yea, many of those pain pills do the same for me, 'giddy-up'.

'Having a bad day', ridiculous!  Just to hard to address that.

Never underrate humor, leave that to others. 
I save money on my system by buying other people’s cast-offs as they move up the audio chain, not buying snake oil and not drinking the Kool-Aid. I recently bought a complete Mark Levinson audio system and the dealer threw in a Lexus.
"I recently bought a complete Mark Levinson audio system and the dealer threw in a Lexus."
Try Naim next time.

Exactly.  The only components in my system I bought new are my SME V (30 years ago) and its brand new cartridge (just received).  Everything else:

Turntable:  Demo
Preamp:  Trade-in
Amp:  Trade-in
Digital front:  Used
Tuner:  Used
Interconnects:  Trade-in
Speaker cables:  Trade-in
Power block:  Trade-in