Behringer DEQ 2496

After reading many glowing reviews, I was ready to buy one of these. When researching prices and stores, I found that it only has balanced inputs/outputs. Is this correct or am I missing something? I know I can connect via a digital input, but is there any way to get it connected to my pre-amp with regular old RCA's?
Sure, you just need to make cables with XLR on one end and RCA on the other or use adaptors. the owners manual has instructions for doing this. Also it has 1/4 inch phone jacks on the analog ins and outs. you can buy those adaptors at radio shack. Check out the owners manual at parts express.
I use the digital output from my cd player to the digital input of my Behringer DEQ 2496. Then the digital output of the Behringer to the digital input of a Bel Canto DAC 1.1. This all using toslink. I think this is the best way to go but the dac in the Behringer is pretty decent, not as good as many dacs that cost 4-500 used though.

It's easy to hook up but you need to read the manual a couple of times before you use it. This thing is the best tweak there is imo.
I knew there was a simple answer that I was overlooking. I guess I'll give one a try and see how it goes.
I just had some cables made by
Blue Jeans Cables. They cost less
than the adaptors.
I agree with Warnerwh the deq 2496 is an incredible product. Great value and does so many things. I've been playing with it for only a week and I've just scratched the surface of its capabilities. I'm a hard core vinyl guy but with this thing CD's are finally listenable. I bought my xlr/rca converters from Marketek if memory serves, very reasonable and no outlandish high-end markup. The word is that the A/D section is only fair but I will being trying it out soon with the vinyl rig just to take advantage of the transparent digital EQ.Who'd a ever thunk it!!!!!!