Mods for Avantgarde speakers

I have had Avantgarde Trios for about eight years. They play music with the types of amplifiers that I enjoy, in a way that I like more than other speakers that I have heard. I would like to hear from others that have modified their Avantgarde speakers, what they have done, and with what improvements. Damping, x-overs, cabling, etc. are things that I am interested in.
When I was working with this concept, it was with DUOs, which have a lower crossover frequency, and also a different polarity. So I'm not sure how far back with Trios.

It'd be good if the frame you built had the provision for being able to slide the tweeter back and forth until the sound locks in.

If I was building new frames anyway, I'd seriously consider relocating all of the horns in a vertical line. Especially in a room that is width challenged.

That'll mean you'll have to to tilt the top horn down a bit.

I never heard TRIOs set up with the tweeter on the outside that sounded musically involving, no matter how large the room.
I was thinking about a separate stand for the tweeter. The vertical array is an idea. I thought that it wouldn't work though, too close and the reflection off the backs of the other horns. I thought moving the tweeter further away, to the inside, would avoid this reflection. Also this would allow better toe in, that is not possible with the Trios frame.
chadeffect, I'd strongly adv against inserting another box into the chain. beside that box you DO need separate amps and dacs . the improvement of aligning the tweeter with the mid is rather large. my friend who came over recently and who also owns omega duos listened first to my duos with tweeter aligned. hit pause on my transport, moved tweeter back in its original position and hit play. after a few seconds he said "oh shit"!

The idea of sdrsdrsdr to built a separate stand for the tweeter is a good one. I can imagine it would be easy to built something from wood.

Guys, don't worry about reflections from the other horns. whatever sound from the tweeter gets reflected will be reflected back to the front wall and causes no harm to the sound!

sdrsdrsdr, I would start moving the tweeter app. 15 cm back and then move them further back in small increments until you hit the right spot.

hornguys, agree speaker sound good stock but they can sound a LOT better with some tweaks! besides time alignment changing the tweeter cap also makes a dramatic improvements and moves the speaker to the next level. I'm using the teflon v-caps. Dueland cast would be another option. the stock mundorfs are decent caps but do not allow tweeter to perform at the level it is capable of!
Do you know of a way to pre break-in caps. Teflon caps take on long time.
At least, you guys can move your tweeters.
In my Duo Omega G2 tweeters are built into the sub. Cabinet,
Like UNO or Grosso.