Are Wilsons the best? are they worth the money? Looking at used watt puppy 8 or Sophia 3. 
No worries thecarpathian. I appreciate what you said. At the end of the day, I’m happy with my systems as I’m sure you and others are with yours. Jeffvegas is the one asking for help, and started this thread not you or I. You can lead the horse to the well but you can’t make them drink, lol. At the end of the day, let him figure it out on his own. Based on his comments and supposedly asking for help. He doesn’t need any. Why start a thread when he apparently took positive questions that was design in hopes to give him some good ideas that could help him make a better decision, not tell him what to do (only respectable advice) but instead, It’s basically a washout and we can move on to folks who truly do want advice from people who have had experience with specific products. 
Rolls Royce make a Beautiful car too, and it goes forward and backwards
but would I pay 500 k. NO  But my Toyota does the same thing and the parts are CHEAP TOO!!!! A lot of these HIGH PRICE END speakers make nice LOOKING cabinets,BUT who makes the Drivers and when they get old can you get replacement drivers!!
Heard Wilson Sasha DAW yesterday.  The best I've ever heard. blows away Magico, Rockport, B&W . Blows away everything.  Wilson is the best. Now I have to convince myself to spend the money. it's a ridiculous price for a pair of loudspeakers. 
Absolute conclusions made by hearing different systems in different rooms are marginally helpful. The only way to make such preferential statements with accuracy is to hear the speakers head to head, in the same room, preferably with the same equipment. All other declarations are fairly worthless.

Selection of a speaker is often a highly subjective process. It helps if you really like it initially. :)
for a number of years i did rely on reviews and feedback from others for guidance. and it got me to a dead end of Mark Levinson electronics and Wilson speakers. 

There you have it. Wilson are a dead end.
Love that quote. Green with envy.