If the PS Audio Stellar 700M is as great as all the reviewers say....

...why are there so many used ones for sale?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xnd1der
before PS went to manufacturer direct only sales last, many of their products were available from their large online dealers at 30-45% off...now it's all list price
I have a very high quality system, and the M700s sounded VERY GOOD here
Quite a bargain in the ~ $2000 range
Because it is a class d amplifier they read the amazing reviews of the product, tried to drive a real speaker with it, turned up the volume, and heard plasticky, unclear, tonally off, disappointing sound and sent it to the must sell pile.
That’s because it is not as good as described, being an ex dealer  paid reviews have a lot of politics involved. At audio shows I listened to horror stories from truly excellent products from small companies
magazines Like TAS ,and stereophile in the past ,know online magazine would say give us $50 k for a nice big page for a year you will get A1 treatment many 
could not and got average reviews.rule of thumb if I see 3-4/reviews all raves that holds some weight , 1 review just an opinion . If in doubt buy or audition with a return policy .
your 👂s are your best most reliable review.