Need efficient floor-stander for 2a3

Ideas? Price=under $3K. Listen to 1960s rock, some jazz, some opera, some symphonic.Prefer tall, rather than squat look.
Coincident Eclipse, partial eclipse, victory or similar. They love low power tubes and are amazingly efficient, just ask my 3 watt amp.
I believe the 2 Pi model from Pi Speakers can be built as a floor stander. A great product line for low-power amps.
I can also recommend the Tekton Lores, I'm very happy with mine. Zu Audio Omen also work well with my 2A3 amp, but I preferred the Lores. Can't really go wrong with either.
I've also read others recommend 3As, Omega, and Fritz.
Some type of horn speaker, for sure. Duke's are great, Klipsch Heritage series are great. Haven't heard the Cain and Cain, but those are probably the least expensive used.