I understand what you are saying, and didn't mean to imply that you were being a racist. I simply thought that what you suggested in your first couple of posts seemed over-the-top, and too sweeping.
In many cases, all other things being roughly equal, I would likely purchase, say, a German manufactured product over a Chinese equivalent, and in a broad sense, it would arguably be the safer choice. But if a Chinese manufacturer has a proven track record, I would see no reason not to purchase its products.
Funny thing is, in my case, that I almost invariably buy used audio components, and have been doing so since the 1980s. This Denafrips DAC is literally the first major component that I have bought new in ~30 years. Part of my willingness to buy from a small Chinese manufacturer was the obvious care with which its representative (the aforementioned Alvin Chee) communicates with customers (both current and prospective). He can be found on various forums answering questions and concerns about the products, and, in contrast to some others, makes virtually no effort to (directly) push for sales. He is also very good at communicating privately via email, and this is the type of support that bolsters my confidence when I am considering a purchase.
I have no doubt that there are many good DACs from many companies to consider. Denefrips seems to offer a nice combination of quality and value, but I'm sure that there are American (or German, etc.) made DACs that are equally worthy of consideration.
I understand what you are saying, and didn't mean to imply that you were being a racist. I simply thought that what you suggested in your first couple of posts seemed over-the-top, and too sweeping.
In many cases, all other things being roughly equal, I would likely purchase, say, a German manufactured product over a Chinese equivalent, and in a broad sense, it would arguably be the safer choice. But if a Chinese manufacturer has a proven track record, I would see no reason not to purchase its products.
Funny thing is, in my case, that I almost invariably buy used audio components, and have been doing so since the 1980s. This Denafrips DAC is literally the first major component that I have bought new in ~30 years. Part of my willingness to buy from a small Chinese manufacturer was the obvious care with which its representative (the aforementioned Alvin Chee) communicates with customers (both current and prospective). He can be found on various forums answering questions and concerns about the products, and, in contrast to some others, makes virtually no effort to (directly) push for sales. He is also very good at communicating privately via email, and this is the type of support that bolsters my confidence when I am considering a purchase.
I have no doubt that there are many good DACs from many companies to consider. Denefrips seems to offer a nice combination of quality and value, but I'm sure that there are American (or German, etc.) made DACs that are equally worthy of consideration.