Need efficient floor-stander for 2a3

Ideas? Price=under $3K. Listen to 1960s rock, some jazz, some opera, some symphonic.Prefer tall, rather than squat look.
Hi all ! Havent heard the Tonians but the Lores do ,in fact , kick some serious ass . Cant even imagine what the pendragons can do .
If you Live in NYC you can check my speakers BACHEAUDIO
located 750 3rd ave brooklyn Open soon
I have owned the Tekton Lores, Standard Zu Omen Defs, a Highly modded Omen Def, and Now Tekton Pendragons. The Modded Omen Defs are maybe a little better with vocalists, but the Pendragons are fantastic with good and bad recordings, rock, electronica etc. The bass on the Pendragons is much better also. The P Dragons are a definite keeper.
Charles1dad - you could certainly say the Tonians are more susceptible to sounding brighter, possibly leaner, but what you're feeding them with makes all the difference. True - it's more difficult to get away with feeding garbage to the Tonians.

As for tone and timbre, the Tonians are superior by far - a much more natural and convincing presentation that makes the Lores sound like a couple of drivers stuck in boxes (the sound of MDF, as opposed to the layered plywood cabinets of the Tonians).

Mind you - I think the Lores are great speakers for the money, and don't really know that they can be beat at their price point and efficiency rating. They're about a third of the price of the TL-D1s. But you certainly do get something substantial for that extra money, IMO. They're a deal in their own right.