Soft, smooth organic SS integrated amps?

Aside from the Sugden A21 series, what other more "budget" solid state amps (under $2K new or used) in your experience with at least 25 wpc manufactured within 20 years offer a really smooth, organic sound? I don't want to go the tubes route again. I'm thinking Heed, Arcam (at least the older, pre class G era)? What else in your experience?
Cayin h80a integrated hybrid amp.. so smooth and organic. You can roll tubes to change sound signature. 80 wpc class A. Should be able to find a used one for around 2-2.5k. 
"Otherwise none of the recommendations I see above are IMO not what you are looking for."

Well there you have it.  

G Class Arcam amps sound great. It’s just a pity their amps have so many bugs. 
Classe Audio CA-101 - 100w/ch, great build quality, available used for about $1,500

Levinson - any of a number of older models, like the ML-9 or No. 27, with very conservative power ratings, great build quality, in the $1,500 to $2,000 range,

+1 on Luxman, but from my experience those with lower power ratings are not suitable for inefficient speakers. If all you need is 25+ w/ch, you'll be fine