Need thoughts on how to Best Max SQ when Streaming?


Innuos Zen 3 Streamer, Audio Mirror Tubadour DAC, Pass Labs INT 25, Tannoy FSM speakers (94@4ohms), Kimber 8t cables, transparent audio interconnects. Pangea power cables.

Two dedicated 20amp lines. One for digital and video. The other for the rest.

I do employ some cheap-ass 2" x 2" x 3/4" square foam sandwiched  rubber isolation pads under the three pieces I have. You know the ones. 

Awaiting delivery of an Ether Regen device that does something good between the Router and the Streamer. 
30 day trial. $650.

What other devices or trickery will move my Streaming SQ up the scale a bit further? 

I do not hear above 8k and one ear misses some low frequencies.

I only listen from 55db to 70db max. 

The room is mid sized with treatments. 

Speakers are arranged in a highly asymmetrical position as it relates to the room.
I sit about 8' from them and they just slightly further apart.

Understand I am very happy with the musicality of my system as it stands
but like most readers here I am always ready for "Even Better" if it is value
justified. IOW no money to throw away.

Not techno savvy so please use small words to convey anything technical.

For all those immediately tempted to tell me to bag this idea as analogue is the only
way to enjoy real musicality, I will throw up my arms in surrender now so save your energy
for another lucky soul please.

My approach to musical enjoyment is this:
If a person can have access at their fingertips to all the music now available on your preferred
Hi-Rez provider and store it for instant replay, the sacrifice of some of the analogue
SQ is a trade off I can live with.

My hearing at this stage probably will not let me get most that last detail anyway.

That's my approach for now anyway.

Thank you in advance for your useful ideas!!


1) Room correction.  I’ve found it made a really significant difference in my 3 systems, particularly if paired with a ....
2) subwoofer.  They aren’t necessarily just for explosions in movies.
Even if your speakers are full range, letting the sub handle the lowest octaves allows them to better reproduce the midrange, where most music lives
Post removed 

Thanks for taking the time to educate the ignorant.
My system has come a ways since I got back into
Stereo gear 4 years ago. Not sure what "Fi" level
I have achieved but I do like it. Thanks!
Steakster- Special thanks for your extra effort. If you ever get to PHX please look me up. Dinner is on me!  I do bbq a very good steak!

Same for all of you. Had my two shots now and ready to live again!

I will toss the wall warts currently powering the router and modem.
I had no idea they played any role.  Will need some better Linear Power
supplies. Thanks.

Also will start learning about better power cables. Love the Cardas
line but more than I can spend now. I will need 3. DAC/Streamer/INT.
I may buy some Danny Ritchie cables unless you have reservations.

If I were to spend $2-3k on a conditioner/regen or whatever 
does anyone have a suggestion?

With power conditioning, there are a million options.  The best one I am familiar with in this price range is the inakustic at $3K.  Incredible filtering and one of the better units, regardless of price.  The issue is that the power cord they recommend with it is more than the conditioner, the AC4004 20 A runs between $3250 and $3750 depending on length.  If nothing else, you need a serious, 20 amp power cord to feed this.  

Aduioquest's Niagara line is very, very good as well.  They argue that it will be at its best when all cables in your system are AQ as they use a unique grounding system which is what they feel is a major culprit in terms of noise in most systems.  The Niagara 3000 is $3K but again, a power cord is extra.  Something like a Thunder at $850 for 1M would be just fine.  The 1200 is nice in terms of filtering but lacks the power reservoir that the 3000 and up have.  It is $1000  and you would need a power cord as well.  

Finally, check out Shunyata.  Unfortunately they took a price increase at the start of the year.  The Hydra Delta D6 is great tech.  It was in the sweet spot in terms of your budget and is now just above it at $3250.  It also needs a power cord.  

I sell inakustic and Audioquest.  I have no relationship with Shunyata.  I just happen to know it is a good product.