It was actually a tough decision choosing between ARC and Luxman. I still miss the palpability, smoothness, and the rich sound of the GSi75. But in the end, it just didn’t have the visceral qualities, especially the tight punch in the bass area, that I was looking for. The Luxman ticked all the boxes for me, and I continue to enjoy the music it produces. Of course, the beautiful fit and finish plus the VU meters, while inconsequential for sound reproduction, adds to my enjoyment.
Having said that, I still very much remain interested in trying out the Pass Labs INT-60 some day. From what I’ve read, it retains most of the positive characteristics of Luxman, but adds more tubiness (warmth?) and muscularity to the sound. So in a way, it probably bridges the gap between the ARC GSi75 and Luxman. I have flirted with the idea of selling the Luxman and buying the Pass Labs, but the Luxman has not given me a single reason to be dissatisfied. I don’t want to regret the decision. So the plan is to save up enough to buy the Pass Labs next year and keep both in my systems. If I really like the Pass, I might sell my Raven Audio Blackhawk instead. Probably for the first time in my audio journey, I have developed an emotional connection with a piece of equipment (Luxman) where it’s hard to part ways with it ... at least for now.