Hoping for a recommendation for stereo amp around $1500 or less ($2k max)

Powering ascend acoustics towers with RAAL ribbons and running a powered rhythmik 12" sub which is currently integrated with my onkyo tx8270 2.1 receiver crossed at 50hz.  I want to use my topping D90/A90 dac/amp stack and use it as a dac/preamp using the remote to control the volume on the dac while leaving the volume knob in place.  Will most likely run balanced out to the amp.  I need to have some way of integrating the sub with the main speakers so the amp would need to have rca full signal out so I can use the dial on the sub to adjust crossover.  If there's a better way to integrate the sub I'm open to it.  I want an amp with hopefully 200w or more and neutral clear but fun/powerful sound like my A90 does for my headphones.  I'm totally new to the world of separates and looking to let my speakers show their maximum potential.  So far I've come across outlaw audio mono blocks but they don't have rca out to go to the sub.  Also came across parasound classic which looked pretty nice but you guys probably know of something much better.  Thank you!
Another self serving plug. This one for the Monarchy Audio amps. I run a pair of SM70MKII's. They are currently driving a pair of easy load low efficiency Graham Chartwell LS3/5's. They sound splendid! 
 Obvious ironmine has impeccable taste! 
I just bought the $1500  D-Sonic M3a-800s 

 For RAAL SR1a + CODA 07x + AudioMirror Tubadour III SE

I have a 30 day trial on this. 


VEry interested to hear how the Dsonic works out.   Looks to be a very good value on paper and has made my personal short list of amps I would consider buying.
@mapman I am not going to put the D-Sonic on my floor standers. I use all Benchmark for that. The D-Sonic is for my RAAL SR1a which are my "mini floor standers" (just love them). I wanted a little bit more warmth on the amp or preamp than the Benchmark stack I have. They need about 150 watts to sound their best with the amp interface box from RAAL so the D-Sonic will be more than sufficient.

I just put my less than 1 month old Silver AHB2 up for sale (my orphaned 3rd AHB2).

In my conversation with Dennis at D-Sonic I found out we have a few common community acquaintances where I currently live. Small world.

I must say that having a $2K killer amp is more interesting to me than a $20K killer amp.