Two notes of caution; from the Pro-Ject manual USER GUIDE (project-audio.com), the tone arm is very low mass - 6g, so you want to stay with a medium compliance cartridge such as the Ortofon 2M series, the Nagaoka MP-300 and the Garrott P77i.
However, the tonearm does not have ability to easily adjust VTA (there is an option, but its not pretty - Manual-VTA-it.pdf (project-audio.com). The problem here is that advanced profile stylus used by the Ortofon 2M Bronze and the Garrott P77i are very sensitive to VTA. So unless you happen to luck out, there can be frustration because the cartridge may not sound very good. In general, elliptical stylus (hyper-elliptical being the better) such as the Nagaoka tend to be more forgiving of VTA.
Since the Pro-Ject is delivered with the Ortofon 2M Red, the Bronze should be a drop-in; but send an email to Pro-Ject and ask them. Otherwise, given the limitations noted above, there are people on this site that can make good recommendations.
Two notes of caution; from the Pro-Ject manual USER GUIDE (project-audio.com), the tone arm is very low mass - 6g, so you want to stay with a medium compliance cartridge such as the Ortofon 2M series, the Nagaoka MP-300 and the Garrott P77i.
However, the tonearm does not have ability to easily adjust VTA (there is an option, but its not pretty - Manual-VTA-it.pdf (project-audio.com). The problem here is that advanced profile stylus used by the Ortofon 2M Bronze and the Garrott P77i are very sensitive to VTA. So unless you happen to luck out, there can be frustration because the cartridge may not sound very good. In general, elliptical stylus (hyper-elliptical being the better) such as the Nagaoka tend to be more forgiving of VTA.
Since the Pro-Ject is delivered with the Ortofon 2M Red, the Bronze should be a drop-in; but send an email to Pro-Ject and ask them. Otherwise, given the limitations noted above, there are people on this site that can make good recommendations.