Recommend Outstanding Russian Choral Music

This music, usually performed by the Russian Military Chorus, knocks my socks off!

Purchased the soundtrack from "The Peacemaker" movie but found no full-length works.

Also some good tidbits in "The Hunt for Red October".

Can any comrade out there direct me to the good stuff?

All of these recommendations are surely great.
I was hoping for something from a military choir 100-200 men?
Hits you like a tsunami...
Anything recorded?
Check out "The Peacemaker" movie for an example.
Thanks to all
This is the Red Army Choir , The best military choir there ever was or ever will be .

It came from the Red Army, the most powerful army the world has ever
seen which did the heavy lifting that defeated the mighty German
Army in WW II.
Believe it or not, the Brave American , British and Canadian soldiers
who fought and died on D-Day did so on a day not in the top 20
battles between Russia and Germany .

This choir is so strong because it sings for a least 6 million Russian Soldiers who died .
To Russia WW II will never end .

The Rachmaninov Vespers is a fantastic work, particularly when sung by a Russian choir (typically, they have fantastic basses).  I also like Rachmaninov's Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.  Another great Russian composer of acapella choir music is Grechaninov.  He too has a work titled Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom and another called Liturgy of Holy Week (Passion Week), that are great works.