New silversmith fidelium cable

You need to try the speaker cable. It is a complete game changer in the audio industry. Probably the biggest improvement ever in sound quality and realism. These will impress audiophiles all over the world. 
Was asked by a member to comment on these cables.  My reply:

I think a quote from my wife this morning says more than I ever could: "Your best audio purchase ever."

Our system brought both of us to tears multiple times last night. That's never happened to either of us before.

The accolades that you see on the web are legitimately earned in my opinion.

I hear ya zenolith and agree, listening last night: Ron Carter, Karen Carpenter, Mark Knopfler, Diablo Swing Orchestra, Melody Gardot, Vivaldi, Celldweller... across the spectrum all sound ethereal..the Fideliums just work in my system. Course you are a lucky man as I had to cry alone since my wife is not quite as passionate about music as I am...haha. 
We talked about this; here’s what we concluded:

While the music we were hearing was unquestionably beautiful, it wasn’t the beauty of the music that caused us to cry, it was the success of our system in convincing our brains that we were in the presence of the performers. It was the shock of being so thoroughly deceived by our system that caused us to cry! Pretty amazing!

Very likely, I think, that we will become accustomed to that magic trick level of suspension of disbelief and not be brought to tears so easily. But I kind of hope not! However, I didn’t turn on the system until late yesterday out of concern that I was not ready emotionally for the experience between my ears and my brain that doing so could cause! Pretty amazing!

Was a tear free night though...glad and sad at the same time :) :(

And yes, I am a lucky man!
This goes to show Cables makes a difference. I am going through a similar experience where my new cables have shown another dimension of my system. When everything snaps together as a ‘whole’ you can’t help feel ecstatic about the choices you’ve have made in your audio journey. It’s all very rewarding!