What To Replace A Pair Of Lamm Ml2 Monoblocks With? Need More Power

Due to a move to a new house, and a far, far larger listening area, I've had to change speakers to get something that will optimally perform in the large space, which also features very high ceilings. I currently own the wonderful Lamm ML2 18wpc SET amps, and they are simply the finest amps I have ever owned, and perhaps ever heard. Sadly, they cannot begin to drive the speakers I purchased to meet the rooms demands. 

I am currently debating what would make sense to replace them with, which would still make me happy after experiencing the sound of the Lamm's for the past few years. I need something with at least 100wpc and I don't think anything solid state would satisfy my ears. Any recommendations or thoughts on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Sorry for the double post. System’s fault.

Just wanted to mention that you should try the Speltz Zeros with the ML2s. You very well may then get enough drive for the Vandys!

Apologies for misspelling your company name (was in a hurry to get out of the house for a whiskey, ice-cream bar-prescription run before the Sunday grocery store feast VS fathom started here in West Hollywood).


Ypsilon hybrid. That's what some replace Lamm with. No idea how they would drive your speakers, though.
No one mentioned Allnic amps so I will. Again, no idea.
And final thought. Whatever you do keep the Lamm, you are unlikely to find a substitute. Yes, get rid of Vandesteen and find different speakers. 

Since you have Vandersteen 5's already, I'd look at one place to start and that's Richard's M5-HPA's.  I just got a pair and am floored by how great they sound.  As others have said, you need to match the speakers and the amps to get the best performance.

I own Quatro's and will now sell my Ayre AX5/20 with built in crossover, because these mono blocks are so good.  I've heard my Quatro's with the Ayre MXR's, Aesthetix Atlas mono blocks, Audio Research's 30k mono's, VAC's larger mono's as well as a few others and the Vandersteen amps are so far ahead of the others, that I'm floored.  

They are also a great size and don't throw heat like my tube mono's always have.  These are a very special amp as they have a ton of power for any room you will have your 5's in as they are a perfect match.