This is my idea of can not be better , totally different and I weep when I hear this adagio !WOW! i will go look for all Celidache set Barber +Shostakovtich...
P.S. Whenever I see Ormandy I think, now there is a honest man .
Staggering difference between these 2 marvellous interpretation...
In one, Ormandy, my heart is feeling embedded in time, the tragedy is out there again filling me completely like water filled a cup...It is like re-living the event in this life, a living memory which accompanies me...
In the other, Celibidache, the tragedy is there, but completely transcended, and the feeling is now a participating wave in eternity.... It is like living the event after our death revealing all truth about it....
These 2 are the best interpretation i listen to for this Barber masterpiece....Impossible to chose between these 2....
Thanks schubert for the discovery....