A strange business model for audio

I purchased a Technic sug700 integrated amp used on here and while it is not perfect (only70 watts aside from class d) I  am enjoying my time with it, as Ricardo would say it looks and sounds marvelous. There were a number of factors I took into consideration including two stellar reviews.
So naturally, I am interested in Panasonic/Technics and what they might be planning. So the buzz is they are getting back in the USA in a big way. Yet when I try to contact either the parent corp. or Technics I either get a nonworking number, nonworking email address, or some useless computer directing me to those nonworking numbers. I also found out if something went wrong with the amp.it  would have to be shipped 2000mi to fla. When I called their dealers none of the locals had any of my amps in inventory and were awaiting their first shipments. I have not run across any ads or other reviews son I guess they are not reaching out to them why not I  wonder,if it was a kef LS50 there would be a dozen reviews. This product line has been out for at least 3 years. It is as if they abandoned the US market or the marketing and distribution  depts. are incompetent. Just saying my experence.

I have seen a number of advertisements for different Technics products, including yours, in those e-mails from Stereophile and its other publications.
You think huge conglomerates like Technics/Panasonic give a s**t about what any of us think, or care whether we can reach their corporate offices (to do what?)?  Think again!
I don't think Technics / Panasonic is unique. I submitted an inquiry to a US based speaker company and it took them almost 3 months to respond back, with 1001 apologies....   I've had better luck with getting timely (w/in 48 hours) response back from the likes of Vinshine (Singapore) and other Asian manufacturers (Korea, China, Taiwan, HongKong) and that includes the 12+ hour time difference... But sometimes the language barrier can be challenging... 
THEE most important criteria for me is; Are the people at the company passionate about their products? Will one of them answer the phone if I call? I've had great electronics but dumped them for this very reason. Classe was one of them. Actually, I currently own a pair of Pioneer speakers that feature trickle down technology from the TAD speakers. They sound great BUT when I wanted to pick someone's brain from Pioneer? Forget about it! They may or may not stay. Joe