members and their systems

for the short time I have been on here, I see that members will start a thread asking about a certain piece of equipment or speakers..       they will then buy that piece of equipment / speakers, start a thread about it saying how good it is and then next thing you know, they are starting another thread asking about another piece of gear as they are looking for something different.           what happened to that piece of gear that was so great ?       
  i get the whole buying thing....but where are members getting the money to do all of this stuff ?       do they not have other bills such as rent / mortgage payment, car payment, other bills to pay for also ?
Audiophile experience, i dont pretend to the best audiophile experience in the world tough, please read me with your intelligence, i only claim that a relatively good Audiophile experience may cost peanuts....

And cost peanuts for me....

I called my virtual system page " audiophile experience for the poor"

Dont be fooled by the old photos you will see, it is "nuttier" now; but dont be fooled by the images, the S.Q. is the best i ever listen to at any cost.... Not the best system in the world but the best for me.... Understand me rightly please....I dont boast about my gear, i instead promote cheap homemade embeddings controls for ANY gear at ANY price...

Most people dont know what their system will sound like in a controlled mechanical embeddings, nor with a lower electrical noise floor and ESPECIALLY with a passive AND ACTIVE room controls....They CANNOT figure out trust me....It is impossible save if you lived it through...And dont search for an article review about this experience in audio magazine.... They sell costly upgrades addition...At best costly bass traps or diffusive surfaces....

Dont be fooled by my room/laboratory, for 500 bucks paid for all my system, i smile listening with comparison to any system... Not because my system is better... He is good but not better and even less good than most pictures i see on Audiogon.... But there is an ABYSS between well embedded and not well embedded...An ABYSS....Not a small difference....

You will not read what i just wrote in audio magazine....

Guess why?

Electronic design is mature for the last 50 years, it is easy to pick some pieces at good price; But it is less easy to figure out how to implement working embeddings controls, embeddings controls are called "tweaks", secondary addition to the system bordering on snake oil for most people....This is a proof of complete ignorance of audio for me....

It is the opposite which is true, give me any good gear i will transform it..... the gear is ALMOST secondary, the ACOUSTIC is primary especially ACTIVE acoustic control not only necessary passive materials treatment.... I laught at people comparing costly dac in non acoustically controlled room....How in the hell can they know how they really sound? Some compared costly pieces of gear in minimally controlled room.... Guest what is the result? harshness, unnatural timbre which is easy to listen to even through my own system....

Why in the hell no audio review explain it very loud?

Guess why?

The more powerful effect in audio is the " pricing" placebo....Read me with intelligence i know perfectly well that many costly amplifier may be better than my Sansui..... But costly upgrade are NOT the solution..... The consumers conditioning with costly upgrade is the problem.... Thank God! i trusted only me ears from the beginning and with them figure out cheap solutions....I spared much money and much despair.....I did not wanted to die without listening music with a good sound... It is done.... 

Went to Motor Trend and Road & Track to check out which Porsche fits me best and was referred here. Thank dog. My Karmann Ghia is a '67 and only has 400,000+ miles, but figured what the heck, I do finally deserve a Porsche! Huh? What??