Pay no attention to the man behind the screen.
Though I have no experience with Spectral, I do with Ayre.
I own MX-R's, KX-R, Codex, and QB-9 Twenty's. My equipment runs as it should. When I did have an issue with the MX-R's (blown cap), Ayre fixed it for very little money and it was done very quickly. Same with my QB-9 upgrades.
Pay no attention to the man behind the screen.
Though I have no experience with Spectral, I do with Ayre.
I own MX-R's, KX-R, Codex, and QB-9 Twenty's. My equipment runs as it should. When I did have an issue with the MX-R's (blown cap), Ayre fixed it for very little money and it was done very quickly. Same with my QB-9 upgrades.