Spectral or Ayre (combo)

what would you choose if the decision needs to be made from two systems between these combo's:

Spectral Audio preamp Dmc 12 + power Dma 150 


Ayre Acoustics  pream V-5xe  + power K-5xe

Thanks  for your opinion and brief comments.
Pay no attention to the man behind the screen.

Though I have no experience with Spectral, I do with Ayre.
I own MX-R's, KX-R, Codex, and QB-9 Twenty's. My equipment runs as it should. When I did have an issue with the MX-R's (blown cap), Ayre fixed it for very little money and it was done very quickly. Same with my QB-9 upgrades.
ebm:  my current system has both Ayre and Pass components and I couldn't say one mfr. is / was more reliable than the other.

Miglos:  you have the model designations inverted but I have the V-5xe and K-5xemp combo and am actually looking to make a change to Spectral.  It's the extended bandwith with the latter that intrigues me.  I would like to see if I can capture the magic I heard at a Spectral dealer 20 years ago.

both excellent super well engineered and executed, a matter of personal taste.
have fun, enjoy the journey 
I have two Ayre amps and they both sound wonderful. While that alone is enough to consider Ayre, there is much more. The people at Ayre are great and respond quickly to any and all questions.  Their philosophy for offering upgrades is also incredible: you can buy their equipment knowing that they will continue to upgrade it for a modest cost for many years to come.