How would you prioirtize?

I have been following this forum for about a year now and it has definitely helped me improve the sound of my system without much expense.  I now find myself ready to step up and spend some money for the next few steps in my adventure.  I have come up with 4 areas that could help me rise to the next level.  I would like advice on which order you would take these steps.  I have ability to spend $2-$4k every 6-8 months.  
I currently love my system, but I can hear room for improvement.  With the right record, I can turn it up to around 100db and it blows me way.  Other records don't sound so great even at lower volumes.  I know that recordings differ, but the bass gets boomy and the details are lost far too often.  I can't help but feel that with improvements in my system all records would sound much better.  I want to widen that sweet-spot.  BTW I do clean my records, it's not pops, it's the richness, details and bass definition that is off on some recordings over others.

My system so far:
  • Turntable: Thorens TD:150 / original Kugel arm / DL 160 re-tipped by Sound Smith / on springs-maple board-springs.
  • Power: McIntosh MA 8900 / original power cable / orange fuse (it does make a difference)
  • Cable: Blue Jean 12
  • Speakers: Belle Klipsch / ALK Extreme Slope crossovers / Dynamat dampened / on Hardwood sprung floors away from side and back walls / toed-in.  My system has been build around these 70's era speakers.  I am emotionally attached to them, they have a great story.
  • Room:  25' x17' open space and lively / slanted ceilings / 3 windows on one long side / carpets and curtains.  Listening couch is 9' way from speakers, somewhat mid-room.
Below are the items on my list of improvements in no particular order:

  1. Source: a. Replace the arm on the current TT (AMG 9W2 is an easy swap I am told).  b. Replace the whole rig.  I have always wanted to have a Thorens TD-125 and I am in contact with Dave from Vinyl Nirvana.  Besides being the same vintage to my speakers it has a more easily swappable arm-board.  Arms on my list include Audiomod, Origin Live, Groovemaster, SME, Thomas Schick and a few others.  IMPORTANT:  I got ahead of myself and purchased a Sound Smith Zephyr MMIC that I would like to use on the next arm.  It was too good to pass up...
  2. Phono Pre:  I am most interested in Decware and Herron.  Decware would need a Step-up transformer for the Zephyr MMIC
  3. Isolation:  Solidsteel wall shelf for the TT.  Townsend speaker bars for the 18" x 29" base (I don't think they make podiums that big).  I was originally going to put them on Pavers, but I feel that I should go big after hearing reviews on the Townsend ability to isolate. (buy once buy well)
  4. Cables and other items:  Power cords, better speaker cable, other isolation, room treatment.
Thank you for your time and helping me wade through his information.

@mapman Yes sprung floor, plywood hardwood planks between suspended beams.  Prior to adding the springs you needed to be careful on how you approached the TT for it not to bounce. I would tiptoe.  Now it is good unless I jump.  No echo clap, learned this one from my friends at Meyer Sound in Berkeley.  Furnishings, carpet , curtains and shelves of records seem to help control the sound.  The walls do need help.  I definitely need to isolate the speakers, thanks.
@erik_squires  Thanks Erik, thankfully I can adjust attenuation for tweeter and squawker with the ALK crossover, makes it easy for any room treatment changes and absorption.  I have played around and gotten creative with treatment using cloth screens to see if it makes a does.  More fun ahead.
My bad- too late to edit, don't want to remove a whole post, but I screwed up, the Herron does NOT use an op-amp! The MC stage uses FETs that are arranged in a unique triode mode.
that didn’t take long.....

have you figured out what the NAND gates do ?????

You got a lot of good suggestions. A quick and easy and inexpensive thing that will help improve sound quality is to get rid of those blue jeans speaker cables.  I am not a proponent of expensive cables, and BJC makes some decent cables, but when I tried their speaker cables they seemed to suck some of the life from the music. 
Do Try various Sub Plinths and Footers arrangements under the TT.
Energy is transferred to a TT through Air and Structures.

The Sub Plinths and Footers will attenuate the environmental effects.

I have not at any time found this practice to be a wasted investigation.
The outcome has been to discover a comprehensible perception of a  improvement to the presentation.

My Investigations, 'that are limited' for working with a Cabinet Speaker Set Up, are that Sub Plinths Produce noticeable improvements.
The Perception of a sharpening of the Imaging and producing a Leaner Bass Note with a improved Mid - High Projection can be attained,
this is at the cost of a Broad Soundstage.

Seating Suspension Footers between the Sub Plinth and Speaker
( I use Two Tiers of Sub Plinth each with Spiked Footers, with a Set of Three  AT-616 seated on the Top Tier ) has in my experience added a improvement.
The addition of Suspension Footers Widens the imaging and separation, 
broadens the Soundstage in all dimensions, and there is a perception tht the performance has a increased presence, but not as a added weight or richness.  
Note: I feel sure that there will be a group of listeners who would be very satisfied with the Speakers Performance, when seated on the Two Tier 
Sub Plinth before the Suspension Footers were added.

Creating a Two Tier Plinth is Relatively Cheap and worth the time taken to investigate the effect it can have on attenuation within a environment.