Do Try various Sub Plinths and Footers arrangements under the TT.
Energy is transferred to a TT through Air and Structures.
The Sub Plinths and Footers will attenuate the environmental effects.
I have not at any time found this practice to be a wasted investigation.
The outcome has been to discover a comprehensible perception of a improvement to the presentation.
My Investigations, 'that are limited' for working with a Cabinet Speaker Set Up, are that Sub Plinths Produce noticeable improvements.
The Perception of a sharpening of the Imaging and producing a Leaner Bass Note with a improved Mid - High Projection can be attained,
this is at the cost of a Broad Soundstage.
Seating Suspension Footers between the Sub Plinth and Speaker
( I use Two Tiers of Sub Plinth each with Spiked Footers, with a Set of Three AT-616 seated on the Top Tier ) has in my experience added a improvement.
The addition of Suspension Footers Widens the imaging and separation,
broadens the Soundstage in all dimensions, and there is a perception tht the performance has a increased presence, but not as a added weight or richness.
Note: I feel sure that there will be a group of listeners who would be very satisfied with the Speakers Performance, when seated on the Two Tier
Sub Plinth before the Suspension Footers were added.
Creating a Two Tier Plinth is Relatively Cheap and worth the time taken to investigate the effect it can have on attenuation within a environment.
Energy is transferred to a TT through Air and Structures.
The Sub Plinths and Footers will attenuate the environmental effects.
I have not at any time found this practice to be a wasted investigation.
The outcome has been to discover a comprehensible perception of a improvement to the presentation.
My Investigations, 'that are limited' for working with a Cabinet Speaker Set Up, are that Sub Plinths Produce noticeable improvements.
The Perception of a sharpening of the Imaging and producing a Leaner Bass Note with a improved Mid - High Projection can be attained,
this is at the cost of a Broad Soundstage.
Seating Suspension Footers between the Sub Plinth and Speaker
( I use Two Tiers of Sub Plinth each with Spiked Footers, with a Set of Three AT-616 seated on the Top Tier ) has in my experience added a improvement.
The addition of Suspension Footers Widens the imaging and separation,
broadens the Soundstage in all dimensions, and there is a perception tht the performance has a increased presence, but not as a added weight or richness.
Note: I feel sure that there will be a group of listeners who would be very satisfied with the Speakers Performance, when seated on the Two Tier
Sub Plinth before the Suspension Footers were added.
Creating a Two Tier Plinth is Relatively Cheap and worth the time taken to investigate the effect it can have on attenuation within a environment.