Is this an right time to buy hifi?

it seems that all audio manufacturers have supply issues and delivery dates take up to 6 months ( Decware- Salk, etc). I wonder if they are forced  to cut corners and compromise the quality of components and performance. 
IT's not a good thing to be in debt.   If you are don't make it worse by spending a ton more.   That's the problem.   Sometimes its inevitable but many times its people who put themselves into debt seeking things they really can't afford.   Good news is its not expensive to get good sound these days but "high end audio" is by its very definition expensive.  Walk before you might be surprised how easy it is to get good sound these days for not much.
like glennewdick i've noticed that prices on vintage gear and vinyl have inflated to truly ridiculous levels--i'm not sure if it's due to an increase in demand or a gradual dwindling of supply. i do know that vinyl has overtaken cds in sales, so there seems to be something of a retro movement going on.
Debt is not a good thing anytime,especially now. If you can pay now,buy it now.  
I agree 100% with your statement. Enjoy life with financial responsibility is the best approach.
In the current reality it is just about the only entertainment left, to buy new and better toys. Like children really. Yeah, let's buy something and keep playing.