One Cord To Rule Them All

I'm seeking advice for a power cord to go from the wall outlet to my PSA P10 power regenerator. It needs to be 1.5M / 5 ft. and have the ability to pass 600 watts for many hours per day. My current PC is a Pangea AC-9, and my budget is about $200 to $300. The candidates I have so far are: Pangea AC-9 SE Mk ll, Audio Envy Ocean 3, or a PS Audio AC10 (used for about $300). Any thoughts? ... Thanks
I don't want you guys to think I'm an OP deserter. I am still here and reading these posts with great interest.
After 30 years of trying different power cords and reading reviews written bye professionals,I found the most balanced and wonderful sounding power cord I have ever listened too,the Triode Wire Labs Obsession NCF.It is sold at a very reasonable price of 1495.00$ I believe.This pc sounds great on every component I have listened too it on.One of the reasons I think it sounds so wonderful is the Furutech FI50 NCF plugs.These plugs are in my impression,the very best plugs you can buy hands down.They impart all the details and holographic textures one could hope for in a power cord,simply amazing.I have never read a complaint about these cords anywhere,ever.If you try one,you will buy more,I guarantee it.      John
Glupson: I promise this is the last time I will respond to you.

I have all the subsequent email sent to Tammy. So I know what is going on, and your involvement in all this.

Don’t worry about your friend. He will come back again, I am pretty sure, under a new username. Like he had done at least four times in the past.

Enjoy your life. Whatever turns you on
Fortunately, though I care deeply about many things, being labeled a "cable hater" is not one.  I am capable of performing a double blind listening test, when I care to. I could also run a couple tests if I had an O-Scope.  I also don't/won't care if someone thinks I didn't do it right, just as I'm certain they won't care if tell them that electrical/electronic component burn in used to detect early failures due to manufacturing faults, was undoubtedly conducted before the component got in their hands, and is unlikely to change any performance metric of said component.

That said, I will never tell someone what they heard (or didn't) because I can't experience something the way they do.  And also because I have met people whose hearing skill is far more refined than mine.  I can usually tell when something's "off" but I won't be able to say what; but I know people can make a few adjustments here and there and voila!, the music sounds 100% better because their hearing so well trained.  I will treat skeptically claims by people I don't know who haven't done a real blind test.

I was actually impressed with the CG interview.  Sure, Shunyata wants to sell their stuff - and it's not cheap - but he was doing real research.  Now whether any of it provides an audible improvement, I can't say.

If I ever get around to really playing with cables I definitely post any results here.  But I can assure you that I won't start with power cables because I would expect greater improvements from speaker cables, then interconnects.
The candidates I have so far are: Pangea AC-9 SE Mk ll, Audio Envy Ocean 3, or a PS Audio AC10 (used for about $300). Any thoughts? 
I think nobody answered your question. The way to choose between these (or any) power cords (or anything else for that matter) is to read listener impressions and select the one you think is the best match with your personal preferences. 

So if you prioritize air and extension choose the one people say has air and extension. If you prize imaging go for the one with a deep and wide sound stage. Or if you want great bass, etc. 

This is what you do because contrary to conventional wisdom power cords (or anything else for that matter) do not "match" with other components. They work and sound just the same no matter what they are used with.  

I have one right now, a guy sent me to evaluate. It has really outstandingly good image focus, palpable presence and detail, quite good midrange, a lot of top end extension (a little too much, tipped up) and weak bass. When I told him this I was a little surprised to hear him say his focus with building this was really good imaging.  

So he knew it had good imaging. From listening to it with his system. Which is entirely different than mine. So these things do perform the same regardless of where they are used. No amount of repeating the same false contrary opinion will ever change this simple fact. 

This works because the idea that nothing upstream of a power supply matters is bunk. Clearly, obviously, bunk. The power supply in virtually every component out there, virtually every component ever made, consists primarily of some caps and diodes. The diodes convert AC to DC and the caps store the DC. The idea being the caps store so much power they can never be drained and so will provide an absolutely perfectly stable and steady source of power. 

This never happens. Oh, it gets pretty close. It is real easy to measure and say it varies by only some microscopically tiny amount. Problem is, virtually all our sense of exactly what and where something is comes from the most delicate fine details. Such fine detail is easily lost. 

This is why no matter how big or great or fine the power supply caps, the difference in diodes is easy to hear. Super easy. Freaking obvious! First electrical mod I ever did, $8 for diodes, blew me away!  

Power cords are no different. Power supply caps don't result in perfect power, so we can hear diode changes- and also power cord changes, power conditioner changes, AC outlet changes, AC wiring changes, breaker panel changes, on and on. 

This is by now so obvious and well known there really are only two kinds of people who still waste time arguing about it: those who haven't bothered to try and actually hear, and those who have but did so with either crap systems or crap comparisons. 

I have seen examples of both. So I don't even have to resort to the third alternative, that people can't hear. Everyone in my experience can hear. Have yet to find the exception. They sure do in my system, which is so fantastically resolving you have to hear it to believe it. And they do with my comparisons, because I know from experience which are easy for anyone to hear and which are close enough to call for my skill level to discern. The way I do A/B it is simply not a problem.  

Come and listen. You will see.