Looking for my Final Pair!!

Been through the high end maelstrom for over 30 years and although I have enjoyed the ride, I desperately want to find speakers that exude dynamics, tone and presence.  I want to be transported to the Village Vanguard where The John Coltrane Quartet are performing any night I desire.  I want to feel the timbre of his sax 🎷. When I close my eyes I want to be enveloped by the atmosphere of the space and awash with the impact and emotion being expressed by the musicians.  I don’t want to hear what the engineers hear after they mix a recording...I want to be in the studio when the tracks are being laid down!  So far, Tannoy Heritage Arden have come to my attention, Klipsch Cornwall IV’s, JBL S4700’s or perhaps Spatial Audio X3’s?  Help
That’s too bad, because I’d bet dollars to donuts the BAT is better than the Krell.

Keep your eye towards tubes. That’s where Klipsch shines.

Rocky losses 23 times before coming the champion a you put it back in box first day? People on this site help and maybe you just don’t want spend on amp and it easy to do send it back. Daniel son got hit in face by Johnny and still would try to make amp to hear work with speaker. You need Mr myogi you take back out and fix amp.
I've owned two BAT preamps and a friend had a BAT SS amp for years. That said, BAT would NOT be my first choice today. Or even second. But I bet that integrated would sound pretty good and give dave a taste of tubes. But there are far better tube amps for far less money IMHO.

I'd at least try to make it work. Unless the hum is unbearable, I could put up with it at least long enough to compare it to the Krell.


@Ozzy62, I've never owned a BAT product, but have owned VAC, Leben, ARC, Mastersound, Joule (pre). What are some of your favorites (as we wait to see if this unit gets the boot)? 
I like VTL, Quicksilver, Music Reference, The Carver 275, Decware, Line Magnetic. My current amp is a NOSvalves VRD ST-45. But I have a Raven Audio Osprey on order that might unseat it.

Of all the tube amps I have owned there have only been three that I couldn't get rid of fast enough.

VAC PA 100/100
Sonic Frontiers Power 2
Cary SLI-80