Pass XP12. Tame, Anemic?

just got a Pass xp 12 pre and it seems very “tame” “un-dynamic” it’s very nice and transparent but rather bland and doesn’t seem “alive” kind of “sleepy@.  I also expected more and tighter bass than my 6h30 tube pre.  I have on a trial and awaiting a LTA mz3 next week to compare.  Anybody experience this? Is the xp22 noticeably more dynamic? I’m pariing with Pass xa25 and Klipsh Cornwalls.  I never would have thought I had to worry about the Cornwalls sounding too tame. 
Thanks for any perspective 
I have owned the both the XP20 and the XP30 and yes, they both were anemic(a description that I have used several times on separate threads), and un-musical in my set up...and they were feeding Pass mono amps to boot. He makes fantastic amps, but the preamps are underwhelming to say the least. I went to a tube preamp(Aric Audio Motherlode) and never looked back...a great pairing with solid state amplification! Ditch it!
Whenever I read that an amp is smooth, and I've seen that consensus on Pass amps, I know it's not for me. Etched tube transparency and detail is where I'm at!
If she's not love at first sight, I'd take a walk.
I would agree, if you don’t like it at all, move on. It’s not your cup of tea. Don’t think it’s going to change enough in sound to make you like it. 
I will continue to leave on and evaluate.  I have a LTA mz3 coming next week, interested in Don Sachs and Aric Audio Motherload, (wonder how the Sachs and Aric compare). I’ve had a Prima Luna, a little “mushy”. Side note, I’m starting to wonder if the Xa25 is has limited bass and treble, despite great midrange. I haven’t compared many amps 
The XA25 isn’t the issue. As others have mentioned give it 5-7 days. Never turn it off. Put the display on auto dim if you want. The Blue Jeans RCA’s might be a part of it.