All record weights the same ?

What is a good record weight.

 Do they harm the motor, or put more stress on a direct drive motor?

 Technics sl1200 mkii from the mid late 80’s.  Removed platter, unscrewed top, removed spindle , and removed clamp,  wiped off old oil, fresh oil, blew out w compressed air, oiled any moving parts. 
 Put back together, and it’s smooth as silk.

  Anyway,...WHATS A GOOD descent record weight that will hold down the LP and not harm or put more strain on the motor. 
I would just say to a neophyte, approach a 900g record weight with caution, regardless of the drive system, especially if your turntable has a lightweight platter, which suggests the bearing may have been designed with low platter mass in mind. That’s a long sentence with a lot of commas. Sorry.
"...A good record weight is 180 grams..."

I see what you did there. What's a record weight weigh? 
450-500 grams is enough to damp vibrations and light enough to not stress the motor, this is around 1lbs.