Looking for speaker advice-$10-20k

I'm upgrading speakers and am soliciting opinions. 16x27 ft room, Anthem STR Integrated. Mostly Jazz, accoustic, country, classic rock. No electronic. Looking at Sonus Fabre Nova III or V, Paradigm Persona 5F, Magico A3, Dynaudio 660i, Focal Kanta 3 or Sopra 2 or Totem Wind. I've heard the Totems, will hear others this weekend, but would appreciate informed opinions. I need the support of a good dealer, so used not really an option. That also kind of limits brand choice-not comfortable ordering online and trusting my (nonexistent) skills when things go wrong.

Lots of great suggestions here. You may also wish to consider Harbeth M40.3, and various larger Spendors (S-100, S-200, D9, D7) and corresponding Graham models.   
Lots of good suggestions already. I would also consider wilson sabrinas/sabrina x in that price range. very happy with mine, enjoy the quest!
Where are you Miller?   Taking Easter off?

Hope you're OK, we'd miss you here and all the Tekton plugs.
I liked both Sopra 2 and Kanta 3 when I heard them but it was not at the same time. Would probably go for Sopra if I could afford them. You hear a lot of details.

I also thought Audio Solutions Figaro M were really good for their price and has read great reviews of the L.
@kerrybh where are you located...where can you demo? 

Love the Soundlab idea. Your description does sound like electrostatics may be a good option. Have you listened to any?

Anyone heard that Anthem amp drive electostatics? Cheers,