Grounding turntable to stop static pop.

After retirement, am again running vintage equipment just removed from extended time in storage:  two ARC d115s, ARC sp10 and VPI Scout - cartridge is new Soundsign. After considerable break in all seemed well.
But now the problem is a static pop originating at the table that seems to throw off the amps - loud pops, plus the amp supplying the bass has a significant hum.  The ground post on the pre is loose and may not be functioning correctly.  Reason for the static pops?  Can I ground the table without using the pre?
PLUS am now in lower Delaware, just minutes north of Ocean City. Had a good tech in DC, but he's two hours away. Anyone know of a good tech here in lower slower Delaware?
TIA for comments, suggestions or recommendations!
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Thank all for the replies. Gives me much to consider and try. Checked the pre and the ground post is definitely loose.  Have some anti static spray from Radio Shack sound here somewhere. Will try and reset the amp tubes - will this affect the bias?

Now if I can only get a nearby tech to give them BA once over, if these efforts don't work. Hate to lug this stuff to DC and hate waiting 3-6 weeks to get them back. Right now am listening to Prokofiev 4 - sounds glorious.

Thanks for the responses!
It may not be static or the turntable. Do you have other sources? How do they play. Tightening the ground lug is easy. As millercarbon suggests, remove the screws holding the cover and tighten the nut holding the ground lug. It is probably a 5/16 or 3/8 wrench. I would remove all the tubes and clean the pins lightly with 4-0 steel wool then re-seat them.
Put a ground cheater on the amp that hums and see if that stops the hum. If it is a ground loop that will break it.

There are other sources of "pops" besides static from bad record, bad styli, overloaded phono stages, bad connectors and so forth. You have to isolate the problem to a component and channel. This is best done with the system set up and in place. Breaking it up and taking individual units to a tech may not solve the problem unless you are sure you have isolated it to one unit.