Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 
One other small point. I have had over 200 patients with Covid and two people expire. I have not had anyone get the disease twice, this is more than likely a delayed response to the initial infection or a miss diagnosis somewhere down the line. The tests we have been using are not the most accurate. Many false positives.
Another wishing Peter a quick and full recovery. We need his expertise in the audio world.
I just chatted with a cart tech/builder who works at Soundsmith. He said it isn’t good. He has actually taken a second job right now because the company is simply in bad shape overall without Peter there. As a small company, I can see that happening.
Mijo, Just to be clear and as I said the first time, I was not talking about "emboli"; I was talking about "microthrombi", tiny clots that occlude the capillaries that run in the alveolar septal walls and which are needed for oxygenation of blood. Those microthrombi are caused by direct virus infection of the endothelial cell lining of the capillary. Injured cells then release clotting factors locally, resulting in clot formation. This process is rather unique to COVID.  The mode of death in COVID very often involves the generation of these microthrombi on a massive scale throughout the lung, such that the patient does not have the alveolar perfusion necessary to maintain life off a ventilator.  Patients with COVID can certainly have classical pulmonary emboli, as well.

Like you, I also am not "convinced" that the (RNA) vaccines give more solid or longer lasting immunity to disease; I tried to convey the possibility that that "may" prove to be the case. Seasonal coronaviruses do not induce lifelong immunity to seasonal coronavirus diseases, and so it is possible that persons with COVID will not be protected lifelong from COVID. (Note, I am talking about clinical illness, not infection per se.) If the RNA vaccines induce effective memory responses, it is at least possible that long term protection will be as good as or better than natural infection in protecting from future disease. However, there is no way to know at this time. In 5 years, we will know. The reasons I say what I said about the RNA vaccines vs naturally acquired infection are complex, would take a couple of paragraphs to explain.

I do agree it seems that getting COVID twice (over the short history of the disease) is at least very rare. That’s why I wrote earlier that we probably don’t have all the facts straight regarding Peter L. Also, every documented second illness due to COVID that has been reported in the literature was LESS severe than the original disease in that person, except for one report that I can recall. So if PL is having his second illness, and if it’s worse than his first, he is in a very rare category for sure. There is a better chance that we don’t know all the facts.

The tech I have chatted with is basically the only builder besides Peter himself. He knows what is going on, believe me. I didn’t feel the need to pry any future than my initial concern, and if he could verify the reports.

Peter has been in the hospital for a week now, but he did state, ‘he would be fine’. Hopefully that is the case, but because of how Peter operates his company, any significant time out of the office/shop can create issues. They only have a handful of employees, and business-wise, Peter ‘wears most all the hats’. That is the case of many small companies as Soundsmith. I’ve worked in a few small Architectural firms, and if the principle was be gone for any significant time unexpectedly, it can create issues vs them being there.

Lets just pray Peter recovers fully again, and can get Soundsmith to full operation sooner than later. But his absence seems to be taking a toll, and did earlier. Remember, Peter’s own hand is involved in building most of the highest end products himself. At least that is my understanding.