How much difference in Sound quality can be expected from different streamers?


I would appreciate very much in obtaining advice on the SQ from different Streamers. I am currently using a good quality vintage DAC (Altis Reference) connecting to Roku 4 (using its Tosslink out to a simple coaxial converter which connects to the coaxial “in” of the DAC). When comparing the SQ of the exact same artist/music through first  CD setup( CECTL0 connecting to the DAC) or second setup (Oppo 105 to DAC) vs ROKU 4 accessing Tidal Master level  at 48KHz, both CD systems provided better SQ with CECTLO the best. I was reading with interest on the forum (4/2/2021)  on DAC and found out that the SQ from different decent DAC does not appear to vary too much; the new DAC may offer connection convenience, but not necessarily SQ. More likely, different CD player or Transport can provide a more obvious difference in SQ than different DAC, like what I had experienced.  Thus I am very interested to seek advice from those who had experience in comparing different streamers. Can high end streamers when accessing Tidal Master level produce much better SQ than Roku 4 if connected to my DAC(at sampling rate of 48KHz)? If so, which ones would you recommend?

I appreciate the 11 responses from fellow Goners in sharing you experience/opinions. Thanks for jjss49 for referring to your former posts that already touch upon similar discussion point although from a slight different emphasis.  Being new to streaming, I am trying to understand whether different streamers indeed can produce sufficient different SQ when connected  to the same quality DAC, if so what is the technical reason (not necessarily relating to the price/cost of streamer). .(In analogous to CD system,  I do know that different transport can made a substantial difference when connected to the same DAC).  I am not a physicist or acoustic/electronic engineer.  However, from reading Goner Discussion Forum, I discovered that there are lot of technical talents/experts out there whom may be able to offer a rationale(technologic reason)  why different streamers can provide different SQ.  Based on response/opinion of  audioguy85, my Roku should provide similar SQ as node 2i or other streaming devices since streaming is dependent on wifi,  if I use Tidal as the source. However, yyzsantabarbara who commented in jjss49's previous post identified one specific technological point, " My understanding is better streamers have lower analog noise transferred on the wire to the DAC", and suggested SystemOptique system  as Fiber optical input would produce a cleaner SQ. I wonder if other Goners who have good understanding of streaming device can provide further technological understanding on what different streaming devices can offer to improve SQ. When I select a new streamer, I hope I can understand the reason behind it (not just based on price) and I am able to hear it when comparing.


First I would like to start by saying that I have A/B tested 93 different digital devices over many years.


In my opinion when you're setting up a digital front end, it is a lot like setting up an analogue front end, there are lots of little details needed to accomplish a spectacular digital front end. I believe that everything starts at your receptacle. Replacing the original receptacle with an upgraded receptacle and then adding an upgraded power cord from that receptacle to a quality conditioner is the foundation to every system. Once this foundation is set up properly then changes to your digital front end should be easy to detect. If you cannot hear any differences when you are swapping out digital devices, streamers/server or DACs then something is wrong with your system.  


Back to the original question, absolutely you should be able to hear differences between one streamer and another streamer. I have tested many different streamers/servers at many different price points and the top streamers/servers in the world definitely create a more holographic image when they are properly set up. The problem is that to get to this level every single small detail in your set up makes a huge difference. The digital cable from the DAC to the streamer can make a huge difference. The Ethernet cable or the quality of the Ethernet cable from the streamer to the router can make a huge difference. The quality of the router also makes a huge difference and as I said originally having a great foundation, upgraded receptacle, upgraded power cord and spectacular conditioner adds up to a true reference system. The closer you get to having the system set up proper, the more you will hear the differences from one server to another server.



I have not tested 93, but probably 15+, and on some of the DACs I own, I would call the more technical ones, there is no difference, unless intentional. On some of the DACs I own, enjoyable, designed for a certain presentation, but not "technical", they are more impacted by the streamer. This all makes sense once you understand what is happening.
First thing I noticed when going from laptop to streamer to different streamers was significant drop in noise floor. After that each has a different sonic character. I don't understand how some can't hear a difference.
Hi @ssmaudio,
Since you have both "enjoyable" and "technical" DACs at your disposal which is your go to choice on a day to day basis for serious, istening sessions ? Do you find it advantageous to keep both types?