Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 
Peter is a class-act human being and his goodness goes well beyond this industry.  I wish him well, a speedy recovery, and a long & healthy life ahead.
Wow. About 6 weeks ago, I received my Beogram 4002 (of which I am the original owner) from Soundsmith, to whom I had sent it to for restoration. As part of this process, Soundsmith could have easily sold me a new cartridge, or charged me for rebuilding the existing cartridge, and I would have accepted and paid for this. But instead, they did neither. The extensive and professional service report included the following:
" ... original MMC20CL cartridge evaluated by Peter Lindermann, 40% usable for additional 500 hours. ..."
We need more like him and his company. I am hoping for the best, which, as far as I am concerned, is what he deserves.
@lewm, of course I knw you are talking about microthrombi. My guess is quite a few people are getting these at a lower rate but have recovered. The cases that expire were worse. Do microthrombi have the same composition as larger thrombi? If they do than they certainly will be resorbed. Until we start posting people who had severe covid but recovered we will not know for sure what happens after.