What phono preamp are you using?

Anyone using a Soundsmith cartridge? And if so what phono preamp are you using? (Individuals with other cartridges feel free to chime in!)
James, I have "The Voice" and am using an ARC PH3 SE I bought new 25 years ago. I have yet to hear a better phono stage in my system. I have not used "the Voice" with it yet as I am still waiting for a new table (I sold the old one)  The PH3 SE is in my way of thinking, almost a perfect phono stage. It is a minimalist unit with the minimum of switches. It has just a power switch and a mute switch which are very nice long, easy to hit toggle switches. You change loads and capacitance by soldering resistors and capacitors to large pins on the main board. There are no switches in the signal path. It only has 54 dB of gain so use of a very low output cartridge will require use of a transformer. There is a huge amount of unused real estate inside to mount one. 
Currently Allnic 1201 and Sutherland Little Loco alternating between AT-Art 9 and Hana SL LOMC. Either combination sounds great but I lean towards the Allnic with the Art 9.   
I use a Modwright SWP 9.0 Signature with an upgraded power supply. I think if I were in your shoes, I would get the Modwright PH 9.0 Phono Stage.

I am using an AT ART 9 cartridge, it sounds amazing on my Garrard 401 and Dynavector 501 arm vinyl front end. 

    Good luck, and best regards,
Soundsmith Carmen II with Ayre P-5xe.
The magics in the music and the musics in me. Clean, clear, dynamic, accurate.