[ ... Dynaudio wins here. ..']
Sorry I didn't realize we were having a competition here :) I love Dynaudio, by the way, amazing speakers! I just happen to prefer Harbeth.
You missed my point by a country mile. There are a number of highly respected designers who are going for a specific sound signature. To dismiss the design (low efficiency) as merely a byproduct of cost savings is shortsighted. Harbeth has thousands of loyals fans ... as does Dynaudio, and Klipsch, and [insert your favorite speaker brand here]. The point being some people prefer low efficiency designs over high efficiency ones, and vice versa.
[ ... Try listen louder them or in free space ,outside house and their sound is very strange. ...]
I have no intention of installing my speakers in a public park, so that's a moot point as far as I'm concerned :)