Protecting from cats and dust ???

I'm trying to come up with a simple solution to prevent dust and or my cats from being able to mess with my preamp and DAC, which sits just a foot above the floor on a rack. I have thought of building a small elegant looking page over the top of it, with decorative expanded metal. I can make this look wonderful. I was just wondering if there is some kind of cloth, mesh, or dust shield material I can use on the inside which will not hold in an excessive amount of heat? Maybe one of those fabric style computer covers? Can anyone give me any advice or thoughts on this? Thank you very much
I’m not sure if I understand completely, but a heavy duty audio rack would do the job. It seems like the rack you currently have is not sufficient.

You should not shelter audio equipment with covers and whatnot. Keep them at normal room temperature and avoid areas of the house that are full of moisture or too humid.

Just take extra-nice care of your cats I guess...
Don’t let the cats in your room? Dust is dust. Wipe your gear down with a duster of some sort. A cover is kind of a pain, and won’t really eliminate the problem.