If OP wants a new DAC, there are plenty of great ones to choose from. With a high gain pre and an amp with only .74V input sensitivity almost any DAC is going to need severe attenuation. So even a new DAC may not solve the entire problem. Rather than getting rid of a pre the OP obviously likes, my suggestion was to try additional attenuation between the DAC and the pre. If inline attenuators have impedance issues, an inexpensive passive may be more compatible with the additional advantage of both a wider range and finer graduations of adjustment.
As far as alternate DACs are concerned, if you look at ones with variable output be sure to check how the volume is adjusted. There can be drawbacks with each method depending on the execution, especially at very low volume settings. For fixed output DACs the lowest I know of is 1V for the Chord Qutest. It’s adjustable at startup (1, 2, or 3V). I run mine higher but use a pre with unity gain.