Music Hall CD-25.5 vs CD-25 w/mods??

I was going to pick up a NAD C542 but now thinking of going for a Music Hall CD-25. I can get a C-25 w/level 3 mods for $200 more then the NAD but now found I can buy the newest Music Hall MMF CD-25.5 for $540.00 brand new(which is $60 less then the 25 w/mods). My question is: did they improve the 25.5 to the point where it would be up there with a MMF CD-25 with mods?? Unfortunately I can't go much higher $$ wise, $400 was my limit but might as you can see I'm pushing it a bit. Also thinking it maybe overkill considering my system. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated..
My modest system:
NAD T752
Paradigm Studio 20v3
Technics SL-Q2 Phono
AudioSource Sub(next on my list for replacing)
Yamaha CDX-710 CD-Player(15 Yrs old,getting replaced now)
Mods can be useful. Companies make products to hit a particular price point. If Music Hall wants to keep the price under $600 then they have to make choices of where to cut.

The modder has no such restritions. He/she can make that $600 CD player into a $1000 player by upgrading certain parts.
If the modded player is a lot better than what $1000 will get you elsewhere, then it is a good investment for the listener.

I had a 15 year old Adcom GCD-575, which was a great player and cost me $650 in 1990. The transport finally gave up the ghost. My Onix XCD-88, $250 for a B stock with warranty, blew it away. I'd expect your Yamaha to suffer the same fate.
NAD C542 + Signal Cable Power Cord should take care of your requirements. The power cord improves imaging, soundstage and cleaner backgrounds. The NAD also plays HDCD - if you are interested.
Milpai's post
"NAD C542 + Signal Cable Power Cord should take care of your requirements"

The NAD's power cord isn't detachable? I would think altering their power cord will void the warranty.. correct?